Standing on my Soap Box

I can’t, I could never do that

  • Sheila Rempel, Author
  • Writer, Southeastern Manitoba

“I can’t run…”

“I could never do a 10k, last time I tried I ended up walking the whole thing”

“I certainly couldn’t do a half marathon”

“I cannot lose weight”

“Are you kidding me? A Triathlon? No way on earth could I do that, I cannot swim very well.”

Ever said any of the above? I certainly have on more than one occasion. Well back in December I decided that I had enough of “I can’t run”, and started running again. I also buried “I can’t lose weight” as well. I may not be losing the weight like I did in my twenties, but this weekend I went and bought some new shirts, and I did NOT have to go to the plus size rack. I even got a shirt that was only a large, not an extra large, and not a 1X from the plus side either.

What about the half marathon can’t. I buried that one in January when I signed up for my Team Diabetes run. It is a half marathon in August, and I have been training for it. As for my 10k, I ran that in a training run over a month ago. I actually ran 16k a week ago.

What about my triathlon comment…

I went to the pool this past weekend with two of my boys and tried swimming. I found that bad word “can’t again. My shoulder muscles are still sore. Then tonight as I was resting my new road rash injury to my knee, I watched a video of Team Hoyt. See to see the story of this father and son duo.

Dick Hoyt did an IRONMAN with his son, Rick. Rick is a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy, and Dick, the father, used a vest with Bungee cords connected to the boat to pull his son in the water during the 2.4 MILE swim.

Why can this father do an entire Ironman distance triathlon with his son, and I have trouble thinking about swimming in a sprint distance (.465 miles).

So I ask you, is the right word here “Can’t” or “Won’t”?

I have two quotes for you – one comes from someone I follow on Facebook called “Run with Jess” and she says “Just stick with it… What seems hard now, will one day be your warm up.” The other quote is from Philippians 4:13 “I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

It is not a matter of “Can” you, but “Will” you???!!