Michael Zwaagstra running for Steinbach City Council.
Putting Steinbach First
Steinbach city councillor Michael Zwaagstra has officially announced his re-election bid for Steinbach city council in the upcoming municipal election on October 27th.
Running on the campaign theme Putting Steinbach First, Zwaagstra said that council needs to focus on planning for Steinbach’s growth in a fiscally responsible way.
“In order to ensure the long-term health of our city, we must avoid large tax increases that make it difficult for families to make ends meet,” said Zwaagstra.
Zwaagstra was first elected to Steinbach city council in 2006 and is also a high school teacher with Hanover School Division. He is also chair of the board of directors of Steinbach Christian Schools (SBC/SCHS) and a member of the board of HavenGroup.
“Over the last four years, I think that we’ve made significant accomplishments. I’m particularly pleased with the 30% increase in the number of RCMP officers in Steinbach since 2006 and the creation of the Summer in the City Festival,” said Zwaagstra.
In keeping with Zwaagstra’s emphasis on fiscal responsibility, he notes that he voted against the tax increases in 2008 and 2010 and also against creating long-term debt for the mega-library expansion.
“The people of Steinbach have made it clear that they want council to be careful with the city’s finances,” said Zwaagstra. “We need to make sure that we do not compromise our future by our spending choices today.”
Zwaagstra and his wife Angela have been married for ten years and they have four boys, including two foster sons. He has set up a website at michaelzwaagstra.com.