Those who are in elected office know that while they are usually the ones who are in front of the public responding to issues, behind the scenes they are supported by staff members who are critical to ensuring that questions and challenges that residents have with government are addressed. During my time as the MLA for Steinbach I have been extremely fortunate to have had incredibly capable and dedicated staff assisting me both at the Manitoba Legislature and here at home in the constituency.
This past week, after over 12 years of service, one of those dedicated individuals, Evelyn Krahn, retired from my Steinbach office. Many residents who have contacted my office by phone, email or in person will have benefited from the assistance of Evelyn.
The work of a Constituency Assistant in the office of an MLA or an MP requires several skills. Assisting people with what can often be very personal matters takes both discretion and professionalism. Knowing the right avenues to find support within government is something that is only gained with years of experience. And often, what is required is not so much specific support but simply a listening and compassionate ear. In each of these ways Evelyn excelled in her work and touched many residents with these skills.
While we are certainly going to miss Evelyn’s great demeanor and wisdom in our Steinbach office, we are grateful for all the service she provided for over 12 years. And mostly, we wish her well in her retirement and hope that it is filled with quality family time and many adventures. On behalf of all the residents of the Steinbach Constituency Evelyn, thank you so much for your service!