The end of a year and the beginning of a new one is the traditional time that we both look back at the year that was and look forward to the one that is to come. This is usually marked by looking at the good that has happened in the year ending and the hopes for the new year.
As 2020 ends, it is likely that the majority of Manitobans, likely the majority of people around the world, are happy to see it go. The COVID-19 pandemic not only dominated the news in 2020, but it also touched virtually every aspect of our lives in the past year. The year brought not only disruption to how we usually go about our lives, but also tremendous sadness for thousands of Canadians who lost loved ones due to COVID-19 and to other causes as well. It also brought economic hardship to many businesses and individuals along with uncertainty about the future. The response to the pandemic has also divided. It has divided communities and, in many cases, divided families. It is an understatement to say that 2020 has been a difficult year that most are likely happy see come to an end.
And yet for all its challenges, 2020 should also be remembered for some incredible acts of individual and community generosity. It is impossible to measure how many people performed acts of kindness for those that were struggling due to anxiety, isolation, or illness. There were public demonstrations of community spirt that will also be remembered long after the pandemic is over. Those memories will hopefully take a more prominent place in our recollections of 2020 as time goes on. As well, this difficult year has also provided perspective for many, including myself, which may very well positively impact us in ways we have yet to genuinely appreciate.
As we look ahead to 2021 there is reason to be optimistic. The widespread rollout of COVID-19 vaccines may be slower than anyone would like, but it is expected to accelerate as the year progresses. While the spring and summer of this coming year offer hope to all of us who are feeling fatigue related to the pandemic, the next three months will continue to be a significant challenge. Just as Manitobans have individually and collectively shown to be generous and supportive when it comes to those around them who are struggling over the past year, that spirit needs to continue to be shown into 2021.
There are other reasons to be optimistic about 2021 locally. While the pandemic has dominated the news, along the way there have been a number of important things happening. The expansion of the Resthaven Personal Care Home will be completed this year. The expansion of the Mitchell Elementary School opens next week and planning is underway for new dialysis service in Steinbach.
As 2020 draws to a close, I hope that you can look forward to 2021 and to the hope it brings. I wish you a new year that is filled with health and happiness.