View From the Legislature

The Class of 2021  

  • Kelvin Goertzen, Author
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach

June is traditionally the season of graduations although again this year, it felt that things were anything but traditional. Like last year, graduations were altered due to COVID-19. But also like last year, a collective effort was made to ensure that a very important time in life was celebrated in special ways.

Throughout Manitoba, parents, relatives, friends, and educators again found ways to make graduation special for those Grade 12 students who were completing their K-12 education. Whether it was signs on their homes, signs on their cars or drive by celebrations, many creative ways were used to honour the Class of 2021. In Steinbach, another massive drive-in graduation was held for SRSS Grads complete with huge screens and a dazzling fireworks display. All those who were involved in this, and other graduation celebrations this year, are to be commended for their work in making it such a memorable day despite the challenges.

And this school year certainly presented its share of challenges, which included going through two waves of the pandemic. This caused different schools at different times to have to switch to remote learning. But, despite those challenges, there was also much to be grateful for. Educators and officials learned a great deal about preparing for both remote learning and classes that were sometimes staggered. The closure of schools in March of 2020 was not only unprecedented but with little notice or time for preparation. By the start of the fall school year, teachers and schools had both plans and experience with delivering content in a virtual setting if necessary. So, while the best place for students to learn is in the classroom, when virtual classes were necessary, they were done with much more preparation than in spring of 2020.

Educators, parents, officials and of course students were required to adapt to a great many things during this past school year. And they did it while going though all the other stresses that this past year brought. But, overall, Manitoba was able to maintain in class learning as well as any province because of these efforts and because officials at public health saw it as a priority to keep schools open so long as it could be done safely.

In universities and colleges in Manitoba, most of the instruction was done virtually. Because of the nature of these classes and the age of the students, this was a bit more manageable when it came to the delivery of content.

But despite all of those incredible efforts from K-12 through universities and colleges, the fact remains that it was neither the same as it has been before nor was it the way we want it to be. The school years, both K-12 and post-secondary, are both about learning academics but also about being with peers and participating in a whole range of activities, many of which were not able to happen this year. Everyone looks forward to moving back to a more normal school and learning environment for all Manitoba students.

To all the graduates, the Class of 2021, congratulations for already demonstrating not only your skills and talents, but also your resiliency. We wish you every success.