Last week Public Health officials and the Department of Education released its back-to-school plan. It involves returning essentially all students to full time in class learning on September 7th and near normal operations. Students will be asked to follow the now familiar fundamentals of hand hygiene, staying home when sick and self-screening. As with the general public health advice, masks are recommended for all students, staff and visitors. School Divisions may also have additional requirements as they see fit for their own schools.
Of all the challenges that the past 18 months have brought, the disruption of school activities and in-class learning has been among the greatest. While teachers, school staff and families have worked incredibly hard to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances to deliver the best quality of education possible, the challenges were immense.
We know that the best place to learn is in the classroom. As well, it is understood that suspension of extra-curricular activities such as sports, music and drama has been a real loss for students. As Public Health officials prepare for the return of school this has been a real consideration. Added to that the fact that the majority of students over age 12 have been vaccinated for COVID-19, it allows for the planning of a near normal return to school.
As traditional back to school planning happens for families, it is everyone’s hope that the school year that is to come returns the normal activity that is important to the success and development of young people.