Over the past few week’s students, both in high school and at the post-secondary education levels, have been engaging in traditions and celebrations to mark the end of this portion of their education. And while these are indeed traditional, they are certainly not taken for granted given the disruption of these celebrations over the past two years. But for the graduating class of 2022, they were welcomed celebrations of the real and symbolic shift from one stage of life to another.
As with any change, it can bring both uncertainly and promise. For some of the graduating students, both in high school or university and college, they will have a very clear idea and path of what the future holds for them. They may already know very definitively what level of education is next or what occupation they are entering. Others may be ready to embark on family related goals. For others, the future is less certain as they may still be determining what courses or career path they wish to pursue. The later of these was very much my personal situation upon graduation from high school and post-secondary as it took some self-discovery before settling on my own professional path.
Added to these personal uncertainties are all those that exist in the world that every graduating class faces. The graduates of 2022 are no strangers to adversity or uncertainty and have already shown remarkable resilience to get to their graduation. But every graduating class enters a world that itself brings uncertainty. Changing job markets, world tensions, social and political unrest are not uncommon environments to be entering and the world of 2022 demonstrates all of these.
And yet, with challenge comes promise and opportunity and those exist as well for this year’s graduates. In addition to showing resilience, the graduating class of 2022 again is one of the most technologically astute group of young people to ever leave high school, college, or university. They enter a workforce that has had to adapt immensely over the past two years with some companies shifting almost entirely to remote and flexible work. There is also significant demand in many occupations as more experienced workers have chosen to retire early or seek other opportunities rather than return to their previous place of employment.
Every graduation class faces challenges that are unique to the times that they are graduating in. And yet this class, like those past, has reason to be optimistic as they begin a new stage in their life. The academic and life skills that they have acquired to achieve their current level of success are valuable assets to be used in the challenges ahead.
Collectively, Manitoba celebrates the graduates of 2022. You should each be proud of your accomplishments and be mindful of the challenges ahead, while optimistic of your ability to meet them. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!