On September 5th, with warm temperatures and a cool autumn breeze in place, Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) hosted our Fall on the Farm festival. This year we received 2,380 visitors, which is the largest number we have on record (our average is around 1,700)! A big thank you to Summer in the City’s ‘Cultural Showcase’ stage which brought an additional festive flavour to the day and a wider variety of people.
As museum expert Nina Simon says, “We need to matter more to more people if we want our work to shine… If you believe in the work of being relevant to new communities, you have to believe those people are out there. You have to elevate their voices in your head. You have to believe that their assets and needs and dreams are just as valid as those of the insiders who are already engaged… Communities are made of people with shared dreams, interests, and backgrounds. The more you understand them, the more easily you can unlock relevant experiences with them. You can build a bigger room, together.”
At MHV we desire to make the Mennonite story relevant to other cultures and visitors far and wide. We also want to make sure we hear from our local communities and that we can have a positive common relationship.