At Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV), we are excited to collaborate with Eastman Tourism when we can. Currently, they are helping our region develop experiential tourism. There are different kinds of tourists and it is good to know how to engage them. There is even a quiz you can take to see what type you are. Knowing what type you and the others in your group are helps the trip to be planned masterly.
Here are the different types (from
At MHV, we provide something for everyone and every year we work at developing it further. For the ‘Free spirit’ who loves our busy festival days, the ‘No-hassle traveler’ that visits us as part of a bus tour group, the ‘Virtual traveler’ who can now explore our latest exhibit online, the family of ‘Gentle explorers’ who return every weekend to stroll the village and feed the goats, the ‘Personal history explorer’ couple who like to go deeper by taking in a speaker series with our curator. It is quite a balancing act for a museum, but the staff at MHV love it.
Recently, MHV announced that a seasonal tipi will be on the grounds in 2023. Some ‘Personal history explorers’ expressed their concern that this would detract and keep us from going deeper with Mennonite heritage, while some ‘Cultural history buffs’ were intrigued that connections with others could be made. Dear ‘Personal history explorers’, please know that we have over 30 buildings and monuments to recognize the Mennonite story and we will keep working on it just like we did with the multi-year project of the Dirk Willems Peace Garden that was added this year. Also, our Leaving Canada exhibit went deep with a four-part series on that Mennonite legacy (see our YouTube channel). MHV will always have something for everyone. Hope to see you soon!