View From the Legislature

2022 Brought Long-Awaited Projects

  • Kelvin Goertzen, Author
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach

As we look to close out the year and usher in 2023 with New Year’s Eve festivities, it is a good time to look back at the year that was. For residents of Steinbach and southeast Manitoba, 2022 should be remembered as a year that brought to the region a number of projects that have been sought for years.

In spring of this year, the newly expanded Rest Haven personal care home was opened unveiling 143 new units following a $40 million construction project. The real story of the expansion however was how many individuals and community leaders have, over the years, advocated for this much needed project. I was pleased to approve its construction during my time as Minister of Health and to acknowledge that it was only possible because of all those who have helped in its development over the years, including the Bethesda Foundation and its many supporters.

While the personal care home continues to move towards full capacity as it trains and hires staff, this is a facility that will be incredibly important to many individuals and families in the decades to come.

In addition, 2022 saw the beginning of construction of a dialysis unit on the campus of the Bethesda Regional Health Centre. The new dialysis unit is scheduled to open in 2023 and will benefit those who are in need of hemodialysis in the southeast area who are currently having to drive to other communities for this treatment. Patient advocates have been seeking this service in the southeast and it is encouraging to see it this close to becoming a reality.

In addition to these important healthcare projects, 2022 was a significant year for local recreation projects. The southeast event centre took another step closer to reality with a contract being awarded and by the end of the year fencing had gone up and digging was happening on the future site of the event centre. This will be the largest construction project undertaken in Steinbach and is the result of many years of dreaming and planning and incredible private sector support that has been supplemented with public finances as well. It will be a transformational project that will again help shape the future of Steinbach and the region.

Not to be overlooked, in the same recreation area, the new outdoor skating rink was opened this winter with an improved ice surface and facilities. This project also benefited from provincial funding support and judging by the number of skaters on the ice since the rink opened, it is still an important recreation option for many residents.

The number of long-awaited projects that either were completed or began construction in 2022 will make it a transformational year for the region. It helps to set it on a path for continued growth and success.

I hope each of you have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and all the best in 2023.