This past weekend, Manitoba Progressive Conservatives from across the province gathered in Winnipeg for the annual general meeting (AGM) of the provincial party. AGMs of political parties are often filled with many important matters such as reporting on party finances and debating policy matters, but as this is a provincial election year, there was even greater importance to this meeting.
Approximately 250 delegates were provided a report that the PC Party of Manitoba raised more than $1.5 million last year, the most of any Manitoba provincial political party during that time. It was also reported that most of these donations came from smaller monetary donations. This is important as it shows the engagement from a wide array of Manitobans across the province.
Also at the annual general meeting, a number of policy matters were debated. The Steinbach Progressive Conservative Association brought forward a resolution that recommends that the charitable tax credit be raised to 50% for the first $250 donated to a charitable entity. This would not only encourage Manitobans to give even more to charities but encourage new donors as well. Charities across the province do incredible work supporting Manitobans in a variety of ways and this resolution recognizes that work. Also, delegates supported a resolution to eliminate the Trudeau carbon tax that is driving up the cost of living for so many Manitobans. As well, a resolution was passed that would stop the expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), which the federal government has considered expanding to those struggling with mental health challenges.
On the side of public safety, a resolution was passed to consider expanding the successful Winnipeg Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP), which provides downtown foot patrols, to areas outside of Winnipeg. As well, PC Party delegates passed a resolution calling on the federal government to use measures to overturn a recent court decision that prohibits serial killers and mass murderers from receiving consecutive life sentences. This decision has greatly reduced the sentences of several serial killers and mass murderers in Canada.
The weekend AGM ended with the spring fundraising dinner of the PC Party of Manitoba. The sellout dinner attracted more than 1,300 people. This was the largest single event in the history of the PC Party of Manitoba and added to the strong momentum of the weekend. PC Party Leader, Heather Stefanson, spoke at the event about the need to continue to build the economy of Manitoba so we could both provide opportunities for young people, but also ensure that services and education can be strengthened.
While the vast majority of Canadians will never attend a political party AGM, they are an important part of the overall democratic system. From the policy debate to election preparations, they add oil to the engine of our democratic system. And for Manitoba Progressive Conservatives, there was a sense of building momentum coming out of the weekend and heading towards the upcoming provincial election.