Spring in Manitoba brings many long-awaited things. The most notable for all Manitobans is warming of the weather and the ability to be outside more. Neighbors start to reconnect with those around them and the many Steinbach community paths see a significant increase in foot and bike traffic.
This spring has also brought with it some excitement for local sports fans as both the Steinbach Pistons and the Winnipeg Jets are participating in their respective league playoff format. On social media you can see how excited the local fan bases are to cheer on their teams. And in the summer, the Blue Bombers, the Winnipeg Goldeyes and the Winnipeg Sea Bears will add to that excitement.
While the civic pride that sports bring to a community or a province is clear. Winnipeg Jets whiteouts have been the talk not only of the province but have garnered attention right across North America. For Steinbach, there continues to be a strong excitement about the Steinbach Pistons, the best run organization in the MJHL and maybe all of junior hockey, even though they have been unable to play in their home community this year as the new Southeast Events Centre moves towards completion.
It is difficult to measure the value that community spirit and excitement bring to the province. There are many things that make it attractive to live in a community or a province. Studies have showed that the ability to both participate and watch sports is one of those factors. Perhaps that is one of the reasons governments at all levels provide support to help facilitate both amateur and professional sports. This is rarely without controversy however as not all residents either participate in or enjoy sports. Of course, there are many things that receive government support that are not directly used by all members of a community or province but that none-the-less provide a broader benefit.
This year, as in years past, there was provincial and municipal support to the White Out Street Parties that are occurring alongside Winnipeg Jets playoff games. These events not only raise funds for charity through the sale of tickets to attend, but they bring thousands of people to downtown Winnipeg and result in millions of dollars of economic activity for local businesses. In a similar way, there has been an investment from all levels of government, coupled with a very significant private investment, to ensure the Southeast Events Centre becomes a reality. It will also serve as a place where community spirit can be built whether cheering on our local team or gathering for many other events.
Sports also bring financial benefit to many businesses that rely upon entertainment dollars. Whether restaurants, coffee shops, hotels or other retail outlets, they all benefit by the gathering of residents who are out to participate in or watch a sporting event. Larger events, like the Grey Cup, bring even greater economic and tourism dollars to the province when it is held in Manitoba.
Whether it is through the fostering of community spirit or the creation of economic activity, our local and provincial sports teams add to the quality of life and betterment of all Manitobans. I wish all of our provincial teams a great season of successful competition.