View From the Legislature

Christmas is About Hope

  • Kelvin Goertzen, Author
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach

With only a week to go before Christmas, homes are bright with decorative lights and stores are filled with shoppers. And all around us are signs wishing people a Christmas that is Merry and Joyful. These are heartwarming messages and traditions that are part of what make this season so special.

But Christmas often brings about a variety of emotions for people depending on their age and what is happening in their own personal circumstances. Often, we observe that Christmas is most special for children. Many of the activities around the modern celebration of Christmas revolves around children. Young people participate in special programs at this time of the year and of course Christmas presents are the cause of much excitement and anticipation on Christmas morning.

Sometimes however, Christmas brings about emotions that are not joyful but rather filled with sadness. For those who are experiencing personal loss it can be a particularly challenging time of the year. Financial hardship can mean that parents and families are feeling the pressure of being able to provide gifts on Christmas morning for their children. As well, the loss of a loved one at this time of the year is magnified as their absence at the special moments of Christmas is felt more strongly.

For these reasons Christmas may not always feel the same from year to year. For my family, this Christmas is also one that is filled with mixed emotions. As always, we look forward to time together as a family, but with the passing of my stepfather earlier this month, it won’t feel the same as past Christmas seasons. There will be the emotions of loss as someone important to the family is no longer with us. During the past several weeks as my stepfather struggled with illness, we spent a great deal of time at the hospital. During that time, we interacted with many families who were on a similar difficult journey and who also lost someone dear to them. So, we know that this Christmas many will struggle to feel the merry or the joy of Christmas.

But what is as true today as it always was, is that Christmas isn’t just about being merry and joyful. It is really about being hopeful. Because the first Christmas, and the birth of Jesus Christ, was all about bringing hope into a world that often doesn’t feel hopeful. It is about being hopeful for life beyond this world. Having hope is usually a necessary ingredient to being joyful. But in times of grief, sometimes the only thing that there is to hold onto is hope while the feeling of joy may be more elusive.

So, at this time of the year many people will be feeling all of the joy that Christmas can offer. For others, it may feel like a time of stress and loss. All of these emotions are part of the reality of life, regardless of the season. But for all people, in all circumstances, Christmas offers hope. It is the one consistent thing about Christmas that doesn’t change. And it has been the same since the very first Christmas.

This Christmas, regardless of what life’s circumstance has brought you and whether you are filled with joy or sadness, may you be touched by the hope that is Christmas. On behalf of my wife Kim and our family, we wish you a Merry Christmas and one that is filled with hope.