Standing on my Soap Box

Resolutions Revisited

  • Sheila Rempel, Author
  • Writer, Southeastern Manitoba

Last year I wrote about resolutions, and I had written a resolution, well this year I have revisited the notion of resolutions and here is my recent change.

I am a wife and mother who is getting ready to hit dead on middle 40s. I have decided that I NEED to do something or else I will continue to grow outwards (I think I am done growing upwards)

I have started with walking – I am not willing to have a heart attack just yet. I walk outside. I use a Nike+ sensor in my shoe that tells me what my pace is and all that snazzy stuff. I have been inserting a little running here and there, and eventually I will work up to running 10 minutes with a 1 minute walk break in between.

I live in the middle of Canada, in a province that has extremes. It could be -30 or plus 30. So some days my getting out side will only be for .6 of a mile, because I don’t like -24 with the wind chill. Other days I will be out longer…

What are my goals? Using the SMART acronym Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive, here goes:

Specific: I want to EVENTUALLY lose 115 lbs. Although with the extra weight I look like I am a large frame, I am actually classified a small – medium frame. (I can wrap my thumb and forefinger around my wrist and they will overlap a little bit.

Measureable – Yep I step on the scale and I can see if I am up or down.

Attainable – depends on if I set my mind to doing it or not… Yes it is attainable as I have decided I have to do this.

Realistic – No I will not get this done in the next year. It will take me longer than that. So to make this realistic we are going to say two years…

Time Sensitive – this gets back to realistic. Yes I have a goal of getting this done in 24 months – Losing 1.1 pounds per week for the next 2 years.

So with all this said – welcome to me. I have decided that this is not a “resolution” so I cannot break it. I actually started this in December…

So until next time wish me a Happy running!