Village News

Exhibit Opening at MHV

  • Barry Dyck, Guest Author
  • Retired Executive Director, MHV

An enthusiastic audience attended the opening of our two new exhibits last Friday. Guests immediately made their way into the Auditorium to view The Mennonite Heritage Village at 50. This exhibit tells the story of the development of MHV over the years.

Roland gave an enlightening presentation on our collection of artifacts and their use in telling stories. After a snack of cookies and coffee, guests were invited to visit the Gerhard Ens Gallery to see our second new exhibit, A Growing Community Collection, 50 years.

At no single time are we able to display all 16,000 of our accessioned artifacts. Many of them are in our climate-controlled storage room and are brought out only for special exhibits. For this exhibit, Roland and Jessica brought out as many artifacts as they could reasonably display in the gallery. Many of us encountered items we had not seen in the past.