Several years ago Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) established Open Farm Day, a day when the citizens of Manitoba are invited to visit farms that have agreed to be host-farms for the day. This event offers people whose lives tend to largely take place in urban settings the opportunity to visit a functioning farm.
Approximately 40 farms will be opening their gates to the public on Sunday, September 21. More information on this event is available at
The event always includes Supper From the Field, a meal prepared with local foods. The Livery Barn Restaurant at Mennonite Heritage Village has typically been one of the venues in which Supper From the Field has been offered. That will again be the case this year.
With help from Granny’s Chef Jason Wartzman, our MHV Food Services Manager has planned an exciting menu featuring locally grown pork and turkey, accompanied by a wide variety of other locally produced food items. A detailed menu can be viewed on our website at
The Livery Barn Restaurant will be open for two sessions of Supper From the Field on Sunday, September 21. Tickets are available for 4:30 or 6:30 sessions at a cost of $25 each. Tickets for children 6–13 years of age are $12.50 each, and children age 5 and under can eat free of charge. To reserve seats, call Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) at 204-326-9661. Last year the tickets sold out, so calling early would be a good idea.