Proverbs 11:14… For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers (NIV)
Proverbs 15:22… Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. (NIV)
Psalm 119:105…Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (NIV)
How do we determine what to believe and think? How do we determine the right choice to make? Or the right course of action to pursue? Is it possible to get insight about these matters from an intellectual or higher power? Many people think so and are attempting to do just that in many ways.
We are encouraged to receive guidance from God’s already revealed will. We find that will in His written Word, the Bible. We come to comprehend that will as His Spirit gives us understanding of the written revelation, and as the Holy Spirit applies that Word to our lives. The Word of God is given to us as a confirmation and revelation of the will of God. It protects us from hearing the wrong voice. Many people do many strange things and then blame it all on the Lord. They say, “The Lord told me to do what I did.” A written revelation of God can keep us from making many common mistakes. If we would submit ourselves to the guidance of God, then we have to build our life on the word of God. We should read it, study it, and meditate on it. We ought to apply it to our life by discerning the moral principles we are called to live by.
Jesus illustrated the absolute necessity of living by the Word of God in Matthew 7:24-27. There He paints the picture of two houses that are exactly alike, except for their foundations. One is built on a rock, and the other on sand. The storms come, and the house built on the sand falls while the house built on the rock stands firm. Jesus declares that the Christian who hears and obeys the Word of God is like the house on the rock, which stood firm. If we build our life on His Word, being guided by the moral principles it contains… then we will stand when the storms of life come.
As we prayerfully read the Bible, often the Holy Spirit will speak to us in a special way. Enlightening our minds and applying the passage under consideration to our specific situation; the Holy Spirit will bear witness to God’s revealed Word and confirm the application of the Word of God to our hearts. That witness of the Holy Spirit will be in complete harmony with the revealed Word of God. The leading of the Holy Spirit will give us that understanding of the Word of God
Sometimes God uses circumstances, but I must be careful because circumstances are tricky at best. I cannot count on circumstances alone. I cannot count on the Bible falling open to the right passage. If I toss a coin, it may just as easy come up heads as tails. We must be careful. What we see is not always what we get.
A clear safeguard in Scripture is to consult godly people. Notice, I said godly people. This is not carelessly consulting anyone. It is about being sure the person or persons we consult have a solid stable walk with God. Otherwise, we might simply get the opinions of others. Someone else’s opinion may be no better than our own. There is nothing wrong in asking them to pray for us. Many times, their wisdom will guide us away from making a poor decision. God will use people to speak in wisdom to us.
God will lead His people as we give ourselves to understand His Word and be open to the Holy Spirit. God makes possible for you and me to develop into sound decision makers at work or in our Christian service… Base our choices on principles and spiritual wisdom grounded in the Word of God… the Bible.
The Holy Spirit will lead us into the truth as we act on what we already know to do. It really does no good to steer a parked car, it will not go any where… and God will not guide a Christian who is not moving. We must get moving, seek the Lord, be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, study His Word, and He will give us His guidance… to God Be the Glory
Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I don’t have peace in my heart, I really want that peace, joy and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honour to Your Name.” Amen