Village News

New Assistant Curator

  • Andrea Klassen, Guest Author
  • Senior Curator, MHV
Adrienne Dewsberry
Adrienne Dewsberry, new Assistant Curator at Mennonite Heritage Village.

We would like to wish Jessica all the best in her future endeavours. We have appreciated the joy and energy she has brought to our team. Jessica’s work has been characterized by a high degree of professionalism in her maintenance of the museum’s artifact collection and care of our heritage buildings; creativity and resourcefulness in researching and preparing exhibits; and enthusiasm in sharing the Russian Mennonite story with our museum’s guests. She will be missed, and our warm wishes go with her as she leaves MHV this week to pursue new adventures and further studies.

For the last three and a half years, I have been lucky enough to work at one of the finest museums in the world: Mennonite Heritage Village. From installing exciting new exhibitions to leading tours of curious visitors around the village, it’s been a diverse and immensely meaningful experience. I’ve also had the privilege of working with unforgettable volunteers and staff who have taught me not only about museum work but also about relationships and community. As I move forward, I carry this place and its people in my heart. ~ Jessica McKague

To fill the vacancy created by Jessica’s departure, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Adrienne Dewsberry, who takes over as our new Assistant Curator this week. Adrienne brings to the position a background in history, archeology, and museum studies, with experience in various types of museum facilities. She worked at Fort William Historical Park, an open-air historic site in Thunder Bay, for over 8 years. She also completed her practicum for her museum training at Lougheed House Museum, a National and Provincial Historic Site in Calgary, Alberta, this last summer. We are delighted to welcome Adrienne to the MHV team.