On October 15th, the staff at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) held an event to thank the volunteers who have made much of the museum’s programming possible. Approximately 85 people came out to enjoy unique snacks and words of gratitude from staff members, as well as from Carol Kroeker on behalf of the MHV Board of Directors.
The evening’s theme revolved around specific things that had been accomplished at MHV because of the contributions of the volunteers. Anne Toews, the evening’s chairperson, invited volunteers to share stories about their experiences at MHV. Numerous individuals stepped to the microphone to share some of their favourite anecdotes. One person spoke particularly passionately about how volunteering had been instrumental in the restoration of her health.
The audience also took time to pay tribute to volunteers who had passed on in the last year. This poignant exercise is also a sobering reminder that there is a natural attrition that happens within any group and that new members will need to step up to fill the roles of the departing members. MHV has many interesting volunteer opportunities in a wide variety of areas.