We now begin summarizing and evaluating various atonement theories that have emerged throughout the Christian era starting with the penal substitution theory. It is the one that has been most prominent within the Protestant movement generally and still holds sway in most evangelical circles.
The concept of penal substitution begins to emerge in the teachings of Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). He held that Jesus’ life and death were offered up as a sacrifice to the Father which was accepted as sufficient satisfaction for man’s sin. But John Calvin (1509-1564) went farther by declaring that this sacrifice was orchestrated by God the Father in order to satisfy the cosmic demands of retributive justice. Calvin formalized and popularized penal substitution, making it the cornerstone of most Protestant theology. His thinking reflected the growing focus of his time on criminal law and the punishment of the guilty. Seen through this lens, God was a “stern judge, a strict avenger of sin.” A few centuries later, Charles Hodge (1797-1878) added his weight to this theory, thus making it the trademark of evangelicalism in North America.
David Clarke gives a contemporary expression to the penal substitution atonement theory in his essay, “Why did Christ Have to Die?” – published in the New England Reformed Journal in 1996:
But when the Lord suffered, the wrath of God was poured out in such measure upon him, that the Father was satisfied…Who can ever begin to grasp the ‘width and length and depth and height’ of the true spiritual suffering of our Lord and our God as his Father turned his back upon him? Who can comprehend the love that drove a Father to pour out his unmitigated wrath upon his dearly beloved Son for such rebellious worms and wretches as us?…Perhaps now we can begin to understand why God had to die for man. Surely only God the Son could bear the unmitigated wrath of God the Father (36).
There are some positive things that could be stated about such a view. On one level it makes some logical sense: God helps us out of an impossible dilemma in a way that can be understood quite readily by persons familiar with the contemporary court system. God deals with the sin problem in a concrete way that is cut and dried and that connects with our deep-seated thirst for retribution. Many people have found their way into the Kingdom via this doorway. Fear of death and hell motivates many people to grasp at any way of escape offered them.
But charges against the penal substitution atonement theory have been cited over the centuries and these voices have become more vocal in recent times. We will highlight some of them here:
Because of these deficiencies in the theory of penal substitutionary atonement and others not listed, I recommend that it is time for the evangelical church to renounce this theory as anti-biblical and begin a search for a better understanding about the significance of the work of Christ on our behalf.