Colossians 3:1-2… (1) Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. (2) Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Let heaven fill your thoughts: Sounds kind of pleasurable. It has that calming affect about it, not at all like the hurried stuff we see in the world today. We should try it! Sit back and let heaven fill our thoughts – our reflections – our meditations. Watch the stars on a clear night. Allow our thoughts to run among the stars and imagine for a moment we could be up there, beholding the wondrous beauty of God’s creative power.
Wow! But wait a minute, you and I are still here living on planet earth and in a physical world at that. However, I do think that God has given us enough information in the Bible allowing us some liberty to stretch our minds and do some thinking outside this world of ours… Look at these verses one more time!
As Christians, we sometimes forget the fact that Jesus said He was preparing a home in heaven for us or as we say, “that mansion in the sky.” Yes! It is natural for you and me to think about things down here on earth because this is where we live, breath, eat and sleep. But we have the right to think about heavenly things as well, and I think Christ has given us a special insight into that powerful creative work of God, and into that which is still waiting for us. However, would you agree that we should never be satisfied with our Christian walk when it is not going anywhere?
We know that the Bible is always the place to go when we want to grow in Christ. It teaches us that we are identified with Christ when we accept Jesus Christ into our heart. We believe that Christ died as our substitute. And when Christ rose from the dead we can say that we have been raised to a new life, a life that has been set free from the penalty of sin, and the power to have the victory over sin.
Yes! We also know and we realize that we still have a sin nature. There are times we find ourselves committing sin, we do not wish to commit sin, but we do. The answer for our setback is our identification with Christ. Christ is more than just our associate and partner; He is the one who walks alongside of us, like the foot prints in the sand story that most of us remember.
Someday soon – and I believe it is soon – you and I will hear the trumpet blast. It will happen in a flash. The Bible teaches (1 Corinthians 15:51-54) that it will happen in a moment, in the twinkle of an eye. There will be a trumpet call from the sky and all the Christians who have died will suddenly become alive with new bodies that will never ever again die. But then, those who are still alive shall suddenly be changed, and they too shall have new bodies. These earthly bodies of ours, these bodies that grow old and sick and die must be exchanged for new heavenly bodies that can never die, but will live forever… I hope we all desire – and yearn to be part of this group?
But for now, it means we set our mind and heart on the things which are above, on heavenly things and not so much on the things of this world. We also take special care to remember that which Christ has done for us. That means we judge everything in the light of the Cross never forgetting that Christ died for us to set us free from the judgment to come. Because of our new life in Christ we now look at this world’s wealth and ambitions and activities for what they are.
Yes! Many of the things we do are necessary, however, we know we can look beyond our little tiny world around us and see what is waiting for us in heaven. We are part of God’s family, we identify with him, and He identifies with us. And as such, He includes us in His life, and we shall take part in His final victory. He loves us so much. He has made a place for us, and our victory is sure. To God be the glory, great things He has done.
Merry Christmas… all the best in the New Year!
Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I want that peace, joy and happiness that fulfills my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name. Amen”