This is a time of mixed emotions for many young people. While many will be excited for the beginning of a new school year, it also marks the end of summer holidays. That mixed emotion is being felt in my own home as our son prepares for another school year while looking fondly back at the summer break.
I have always had a great appreciation for the school system that we have in Manitoba. Growing up I spent almost all of my K-12 school aged years in the Steinbach public school system. Whether at Elmdale School, the former Junior High School or the SRSS, there were teachers who left an indelible impression on my life.
During my time at the University of Manitoba, I grew to appreciate learning and studying with more independence and greater expectations. Both in public school and in university I was fortunate enough to make friends that I still keep in touch with today.
Of course, you see a new perspective when you become a parent and send your child off to school. It is another phase in life and one which both parent and child can be nervous about. I still remember very vividly dropping my son off at Woodlawn School in Steinbach for his first day of kindergarten. I was both happy and sad to watch him bravely walk into the school to begin his education.
Now I am watching the first day of school through another lens. This time as the provincial Minister of Education and Training. As the Minister of Education I have a new stake in the first day of school and the entire school year. But, not unlike every other parent, it is with a view to looking at ways to ensure that our children succeed and can reach their full potential.
In recent years, cross Canada comparisons have shown that Manitoba students are doing poorly in literacy, math and science as compared to students in other provinces. This despite the fact that we have dedicated and professional teachers engaged in helping students learn. We need to determine why our ranking has been falling and make changes to reverse that trend. It is about ensuring our young people get the best education we can provide them.
To that end, the province will be launching an extensive review of the K-12 education system that will look at student outcomes and how they can improve. This review will begin early in 2019 and will seek input from educators, parents and all of those who have an interest in our education system.
As the school year begins, whether you are a parent of a student or working in our school system, I hope that everyone has a great start to the new school year.