On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, local elections were held for municipalities and school boards.
This round of elections saw a number of hotly contested races locally, particularly at the municipal level. Within the City of Steinbach, election signs have been a very real presence as a number of people campaigned for council seats and the Mayor’s chair. In addition, there was a competitive race for school trustee.
This demonstrates that there is significant interest in the future of our municipal governments and school board and the decisions that they make. I know that it is a tremendous commitment of time for individuals to campaign at the local level as they go door to door and participate in various debates and forums. Regardless of the outcome yesterday, I want to congratulate everyone who put their name forward to seek office.
In addition, for those that have chosen not to seek re-election or were not re-elected for another term, thank you for your service. Elected life, at every level, can be challenging. It often means time away from family and a great deal of public scrutiny. Thank you to those who have served as elected officials and to your families for the sacrifices you have made. A special thank you to outgoing Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen. I have appreciated working together with Mayor Goertzen during his time in elected office and I know that he will enjoy having more time to devote to his young family.