In the Canadian parliamentary system, the beginning of a new session is marked with what is known as a government Speech from the Throne. In Canada, this means the representative of the Queen reads a speech that outlines the priorities of the government for the upcoming session. A legislative session in Manitoba usually lasts about a year.
On Tuesday, our government outlined many priorities in the new Throne Speech. Among the first things that was mentioned in the speech is our intention to introduce a resolution in the legislature that will affirm Manitoba’s commitment to freedom of conscience and religion of public servants. In some province’s this freedom is under attack. Manitoba has a long history of standing up for freedom of religion and conscience.
This included legislation that I was honoured to sponsor as Minister of Health that protects the right of doctors and other medical professionals to not participate in a medically assisted death if it is against their conscience rights. Our hope is that every MLA in the Manitoba Legislature will see the value in supporting freedom of religion and conscience and support this resolution.
The Throne Speech also marked the first steps in our election commitment to put at least $2,020 back in the pockets of Manitobans through tax reductions. It was announced that beginning in 2020, the PST on professional fees for preparation of wills and tax returns will be eliminated as will probate fees. Vehicle registration fees will also start to be reduced in 2020.
Also, the highway construction budget it was announced in the Throne Speech will be increased from $350 million to $400 million over the next four years. This commitment is important in that it provides certainty to the construction industry as well as improving our infrastructure system in Manitoba.
In Education, the Throne Speech outlined a new $25 million Teachers’ Idea Fund that will support ideas from teachers on ways to improve educational outcomes across our province. I look forward to hearing from teachers on their suggestions and recommendations.
And while there were many other initiatives highlighted in the Throne Speech, I was particularly pleased to hear that plans are coming together for an exciting Manitoba 150 celebration as we get set to mark this important birthday for Manitoba next year. This will include many exciting events and legacy initiatives to commemorate our great province.
Over the course of the coming session of the Manitoba Legislature, I look forward to updating you on these initiatives and new legislation that is being introduced in the province. There is much to celebrate in our province as we continue to protect freedoms, lower taxes, foster job creation and improve the services that Manitobans rely upon.