February is celebrated annually as “I Love To Read Month” in many parts of Canada and the United States. It is a month that is dedicated to reinforcing the importance of literacy at all ages, but particularly to young people. While literacy is important every day, there is value in setting aside a month like February to have a special focus on this fundamental skill.
Throughout February, schools and libraries have been having special events to promote literacy. We know that in all subjects in school, success is predicated on strong literacy skills. It is one of the reasons our government has put a focus on developing strategies to improve literacy outcomes for students in Manitoba.
Of course, the foundations for literacy are set long before a child reaches school. Parental involvement in education is critical in all subjects, but particularly in literacy. Reading to and reading with your child from the earliest of ages plays an important part in literacy and developing a lifelong love of reading. This is truly an ability that is applied in every aspect of one’s life.
Every February I have the pleasure of donating books to our local elementary schools for their school libraries. It is an opportunity for me to see the excellent and important work that is happening within our schools to promote literacy and a love of reading. Thank you to each of the teachers and librarians who have been working to promote “I Love to Read Month” and literacy, both during this month and throughout the school year.