The past few months have allowed for a number of events to occur that had to be cancelled last year due to the pandemic. The ability for Manitobans to get together in person for these events has made sometimes routine events feel extra special. This past week was one of those occasions as the annual meeting of the AMM (the Association of Manitoba Municipalities) was held in person at the convention centre in Winnipeg.
The annual meeting brings together municipal officials, elected councillors, mayors and reeves. It featured an in person convention for the first time in two years as participants were able to take in a variety of seminars and instructional sessions. Municipalities are an important partner for the provincial government and there continues to be a close working relationship.
As part of the annual meeting, provincial Ministers participate in a question and answer session where AMM delegates can ask questions in the open forum to government officials. I have participated in this forum for several years and have always appreciated the firm but fair questions put forward by municipal officials.
In recognition of the important role that our local municipalities play in the governance of Manitoba, the province proclaimed this week as Municipal Government Awareness Week. It is small way to help bring greater awareness of how important the work of municipal government is to the day to day lives of the citizens that they serve.
On Monday night, AMM hosted their convention gala celebration where they often honour and recognize those that have made outstanding contributions to municipal governance. In addition to recognizing former AMM President Ralph Groening, former Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen was presented with a lifetime membership to AMM. Chris was recognized for his many years serving as a director on the Board of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and also as their President for three years.
With his family in attendance Chris spoke about his commitment during his time with AMM to help ensure municipalities worked more closely together to strengthen their collective relationships. On behalf of residents of Steinbach and all Manitobans, congratulations Chris on this very notable recognition.
I have always appreciated the cooperative working relationship I have had with municipal government. Both the City of Steinbach and the Rural Municipality of Hanover, who were well represented at the AMM convention, have proven to be leaders in the province for many years and the strong growth that has occurred in both areas is a demonstration of that leadership. It was truly a pleasure to be able to get together again in person with municipal representatives from across the province and I look forward to continuing our strong working relationship.