View From the Legislature

Communities Set to Gather

  • Kelvin Goertzen, Author
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach

The excessive heat of the past two weeks is a sure sign that summer has arrived in Manitoba. Another essential part of Manitoba summers, community festivals and fairs, are also beginning to make their appearance. Perhaps because of our long winters when gathering as communities can be challenging, summer celebrations seem especially welcomed in Manitoba. Some of the Manitoba festivals, like Folklorama, are large and internationally known, drawing tourists from across North America. However, most are smaller celebrations that are intended for a more local audience.

In the southeast, virtually every community has an annual summer event. Often, they reflect the unique history or culture of the community itself. But while they all have their own unique themes and events, there are also common threads that bind these community celebrations together. One of these is that they really are all intended to both create family memories and help foster a greater sense of community among residents.

This can be especially important in communities that are changing and growing quickly as most of those in the southeast are. Maintaining community connection can be more challenging as populations grow so community events are both opportunities to renew friendships and make new connections.

The other common element is that the local fairs are only possible because of dedicated community volunteers. While many of us benefit from being able to simply attend a parade or a concert or a cultural event, it takes hundreds of hours of planning often months in advance to make them happen. While there is often funding provided from the various level of governments to support community events, they are really powered by volunteers who are putting in the time to benefit their communities.

This will be true for each of the local events in the Steinbach Constituency this summer as well. Whether it is Summer in the City, which will take over downtown Steinbach in mid June, the Blumenort Fun and Fair Days, the Mitchell Fun Days, Pioneer Days or any of the other events across the region, it requires an army of volunteers to plan, coordinate and staff the events.

As you are making your family summer plans this year, consider taking in the local festivals in your region or throughout Manitoba. There is no better way to learn about the history or culture of a community then at a local event. It is also an opportunity to support local businesses and residents who often participate by setting up booths to sell food, crafts and other local artistic creations.

While you are visiting fairs either in your own home community or another community, remember to thank those who are volunteering and making these events happen. They are truly the fabric of our local communities that help to make them strong and make Manitoba the culturally rich and friendly place it is known for.