Psalm 23:5 . . . You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows . . . Summer time, and here come the flies, the bugs and so many other creepy things. When we take a drive through the country side during the summer months we can’t help but see cows, horses, and sheep grazing in the fields, they seem to be everywhere. But we also notice how the animals are bothered by flies. I have heard that sheep farmers smear a compound composed of linseed oil, sulphur and tar, over the sheep’s nose and head; this, they say, will protect the sheep from those pesky nose flies. The farmer also points out, that an incredible transformation takes place among the sheep. Once the oil has been applied there is an immediate change in the sheep’s behaviour. Gone is the fuss and running about, the touchiness and the restlessness. Instead, the sheep will start to graze quietly again, then soon lie down to rest completely at peace and do the thing that they are supposed to do. . . get fat, ready for the pot!
I wonder if this could be the exact picture of all the irritations in our own lives. How easy it is to have my day ruined by a fly in my own soup, how easy it is to pour cold water on my most lofty spiritual experiences! So often it is the small, petty annoyances that can ruin one’s day. Has it ever happened that you have had a fly in your soup doing a back stroke during a lunch break? These small distractions can become burning issues that drive us around the bend or straight up a wall. And if we aren’t careful, these small things can torment us to the point where we feel that we are beating our brains out. There have been times when my behaviour as a Christian has been tarnished; and later I feel rather ashamed of myself.
Just as with sheep, there must be continuous and renewed application of oil to forestall, to prevent the flies in my life. There must be continuous out pouring of God’s gracious Spirit to counteract the ever-present clashes, those nasty quarrels, those personality conflicts. One application of oil, sulphur and tar was not enough to keep those annoying flies away for the entire summer. It was a process that had to be repeated. The fresh application was the effective medication. There are those who believe that in the Christian life one need only to have the initial encounter, that one meeting, that one touch of God’s Holy Spirit. Yet the frustrations of all the daily problems we meet up with demonstrate that we need much more than that. We need to have the continuous touch of the Holy Spirit to counter the attacks of one’s tormentors; to bring peace to a troubled mind and heart. When people, circumstances or events beyond our control tend to bug us, it is possible to be content and satisfied when these outside forces are counteracted by the presence of God’s Spirit in us. It is this daily walk with our Lord that will produce in us a mind that is at rest. As the Bible points out, if we allow God’s Spirit to work in our lives, contentment, love, patience, gentleness and peace will be produced. What a contrast, what a difference this is to the tempers, frustrations and irritableness which ruin the daily conduct of so many of God’s children.
With my limited understanding, as a mere human being, I cannot always understand how Christ’s unlimited wisdom moulds us into His very own image. Our natural tendencies are to fear, worry and ask why? Somehow most of us just can’t believe, or we assume that Jesus Christ, the very Author of life itself, really doesn’t know what He is doing with us. There are times when I just loose it and run from the very source which supplies me with the power to overcome. I have been known to even go so far as to believe that I can survive on my own. But despite this perverse wayward behaviour, I am so glad God did not give up on me, on us. He did not let us drift helplessly. The only possible motivation is His own love, His care and concern for us as His very own. And despite us doubting Him, despite our wavering about His management of our affairs, He has picked us up and tenderly and lovingly restored our faith in Him.
Question: Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only Son? Can you believe that He died for our sins? Well then I have good news for you . . . He also rose from the dead! He did this to prove to us that there is life after death. But here is the best part: if we can say yes to these simple questions . . . He promises us eternal life in heaven with Him. Why not trust and put your faith in Him this very moment. God Bless.
Would you pray this prayer with me . . . “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I don’t have peace in my heart. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honour to Your Name.” Amen