Every year the United Nations draws attention to important matters or causes by declaring the year as dedicated to a certain issue. For 2011, it has declared it to be The International Year of Co-operatives.
The recognition of The International Year of Co-operatives is intended to create more awareness about these business models, promote the formation and growth of co-ops and encourage governments to look at how laws and regulations impact their development, growth and their stability.
Co-ops are distinct from other businesses in that they are member owned and members are given the right to have input into the affairs of the business and to also profit in some form from its success. For long-time residents of this region, co-ops are certainly nothing new. In fact in many ways it is a business model through which many people conduct the routine activities of their life. Locally, very successful co-ops are involved in the banking industry, in the sale of food, the sale of gasoline and many other areas as well.
In fact the co-op model is so familiar and so successful in Manitoba that many residents may wonder why there is a need for special recognition at all. While the designation is intended to show appreciation and recognition to co-ops in countries that are very familiar with them such as ours, it is also intended to promote the use of co-ops to combat poverty and generate employment in areas that may not be as familiar with it as a business model.
If you would like more information on the International Year of Cooperatives, visit www.2012.coop