So at our bible study we were studying “Listening to God”. The exercise has been interesting. I would spend time listening to the still sound voice that goes on in our head. I have to admit that sometimes I did wonder if I am going a little stir crazy. I wondered if the voice inside my head was actually me or if it was really God speaking to me. I do not know, but as I wrote out what was popping into my head in the way of answers to the questions I would pose, I realized that God knows me. He has a funny bone, and he understands my goofy funny bone. All too often people think that God is out to get them, and has nothing better to do than send his wrath upon them. Well, let me tell you, that is not so, God cares so intimately about us.
At one point I was asking God where the money was going to come for our landscaping. His response to that question was “Don’t worry about it little girl”.
Little girl? Why would God call me little girl? I am officially (as of 3.5 weeks ago) 45 years old. I am beyond being a little girl. I felt God say to me that He is my Daddy, and I am his little girl, and he will take care of me.
Some of the other things I got from God from listening is regarding my children. As a mother I am ALWAYS concerned about them (ok, maybe worried would be a better word. So what did God tell me? I need to let go. Every time I pray the words I hear are let go. So I talk to God about my oldest, and my middle and my youngest. The words I hear are things like “He is more of a fire cracker than you were (and let me tell you, when I was younger I had energy just oozing out of my pores and could not sit still) God has done some pretty cool stuff with me, and God had indicated that he will do more with my youngest fire cracker than he did with me. I need to trust god, let go of my children. God knows what I have done in raising my children and he will take care of them.
Some of what I also got from this little exercise is that God loves us, regardless of what I think of myself. He loves me enough to know what I find funny, and he talks to me in a way that I appreciate including my wonky humour. If you try listening to God and hear a voice of anger, frustration, and constant put downs, I am here to tell you, that is NOT God. Yes we make mistakes, and yes we sin, but like a loving father he is not here to put you down. He is here to encourage you to do better and be better.