There is so much talk today about end time events, and what it should mean to us. Some folks get defensive about end time issues, especially when it doesn’t go the way they like it. One thing I have noticed, and you probably too, is that people don’t take to heart when there are big strange, out of the ordinary problems surfacing all over the world. In fact, I’ll go one step further; people laugh and mock those who are trying to warn us, trying to put into picture, trying to give us a proper perspective why these events are happening. Take the thought of why the Arctic North is becoming ice free. “No big deal,” we say. Why should that bother us? It should make life easier for us down here in the southern part of our country. These weather changes have always happened, and I needn’t get all in a fluff about it.
We remember Noah and his family from the Old Testament. Here he was, building an ark in the middle of a desert. How foolish many would say. What does he think he is doing? I can just see it; spiritual leaders, scientists, going from place to place advising world leaders and people like you and me that there is a time coming when gigantic, massive, colossal storm systems will inundate the world. Sort of like the flood in Noah’s time. Perhaps like some of the wild and weird weather that we in our time are already experiencing. It might be worth it, to give it some serious thought, rather than just laugh about it like the people in Noah’s day. Jesus taught His disciples that when He would return to this earth, people would be as uncaring to the things of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ as they were to the teachings of God during the days of Noah. They just went on their merry old way right until it was too late to turn things around. This is what Jesus said. Luke 17:26-27 . . . (26) “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. (27) People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Clearly many people in this world are frightened because of what they see is happening; not just the strange weather, the financial melt down, but the evil that is so obvious to all of us. For those who refuse to listen to the messages, who refuse to believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, and the warning signs that Jesus said would come; for those who do not have faith in Christ, it is a time of dread, a time of fear and horror . . . Jesus said in John 10:37-38 . . . 37) Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. 38) But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father . . . The Christians, those who have put their faith in Christ; for them there is no fear, no terror. We believe the end time is near, when we shall be delivered from this world of ours. A world filled with danger. We believe we will be released from diseases, from blame . . . but most of all from sin.
Our troubles may have many names; they may have many red flags. But so is the grace of God. There is no red flag powerful enough that God’s grace can’t over-come. There is a grace available to us that will match any situation that the devil throws at us. With the help of the Holy Spirit we can stand up against anything, because at the end of it all, Christ Jesus will appear in all His glory. Yes!! Today, as in the days of Noah, we must not laugh and mock those who are trying to warn us about the visible signs that are everywhere, signs as gigantic as Noah’s Ark parked, of all places, in the desert. We must look at Scripture and remember what Jesus said would happen. We must take the warning signs seriously and ask are those warnings true or false when we compare them up with what the Bible teaches will happen towards the end of the ages.
The believers in Christ have a glorious future waiting for them, and they need not fear the future like those who refuse to put their faith in Christ. In our voyage through this world we are protected by the very power of God because we have placed our trust in His promises. In other words, our very lives are safeguarded by none other than God himself. I suppose that means you and I never need to doubt, even when we see storm clouds coming our way. We never need to doubt because God is standing in the shadows, keeping watch over us, even though we can’t see Him with our physical eyes. As we’ve said before, God allows us to go through troublesome times. We do experience sorrows and problems in our journey of life; but God’s grace makes it possible for us to conquer them and win the victory.
Would you pray this prayer with me . . . “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I don’t have peace in my heart, I really want that peace, joy and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honour to Your Name.” Amen