Village News

Fifth Annual Tractor Trek

  • Barry Dyck, Guest Author
  • Retired Executive Director, MHV

Saturday, June 14, is the date of our fifth annual Tractor Trek. This event is a collaboration between Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) and Eden Foundation. Net proceeds of the event will be divided between the two organizations. We are aiming to have 50 tractors, each at least 50 years old, travel a 50 km route. Drivers will be raising sponsorship dollars, with a goal of generating $50,000 of gross revenue.

The Trek will depart via MHV’s North Gate at about 10:00 AM. Our lunch stop will be at the Landmark Park at noon. We expect to arrive at Neufeld Garage in Randolph at 2:15. Coffee, tractor games, and judging of tractors will make for an extended stop at that location. Our expected time of arrival back at MHV is 4:30 PM. The public is invited to meet us at any of those locations. Dinner, prizes and entertainment for the drivers and their spouses will round out the day.