Village News

Tractor Trek 2014

  • Barry Dyck, Guest Author
  • Retired Executive Director, MHV
Tractor Trek 2014
53 vintage tractors participating in Tractor Trek 2014.

Vintage tractor owners and operators (including myself) began arriving at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) at 7:00 AM last Saturday morning. After our tractors were lined up for departure, we headed to the Livery Barn Restaurant for a hearty buffet breakfast. Here we were joined by sponsors, family members and other interested guests. Although the sky was cloudy, the radar shots on internet weather sites showed no rain approaching for hours.

At 9:45 AM we gathered for a few announcements and a prayer for safety. Fifteen minutes later the engines of 53 vintage tractors were running and ready for departure. A few needed the assistance of a short tow in order to wake up the old engines. The radar continued to predict no rain for the foreseeable future.

At 10:00 these 53 tractors headed north toward Blumenort. As we drove through MHV’s north gate the drizzle started. Drivers who had been more confident in their intuition than the radar images had come dressed in rain gear. These are the drivers who managed to stay warm and dry as we drove to Landmark for lunch, accompanied by a gentle shower.

In Landmark, the Kinsmen Club provided drivers and interested guests with a welcome barbecue lunch. Our next stop was the Neufeld Garage in Randolph. Here we enjoyed a substantial snack, as well as the company of a large crowd of interested people from the community.

Throughout the journey, three judges were assessing the tractors and drivers for the awarding of prizes in several categories. The winners were: Quietest-Running Tractor – Helmut Pankratz; Smoothest-Running Tractor – Bob Schmor; Best 2-Cylinder Tractor – Steven Doerksen; Best Restoration by Owner – Werner Rempel; Oldest Tractor – Burt Loewen and Bob Schmor; Lowest-Horsepower Tractor – Jessica McKague; Best Tractor – Ed Friesen; Longest Family-Owned Tractor – John Braun; Youngest Driver – Hunter Brandt; Trekker’s Choice – Ed Friesen; People’s Choice – Arnold Reimer; Most Pledges Raised – Bob Schmor.

The day wrapped up with a wonderful dinner, served by the Livery Barn Restaurant staff, and musical entertainment by the band, Walk the Line.

To date, our 2014 Tractor Trek has raised more than $35,000, the net proceeds of which will be divided equally between MHV and Eden. It should be noted that donations can still be made by sending a cheque to either Mennonite Heritage Village or Eden Foundation. The memo note on the cheque should specify “Tractor Trek 2014.”

It was great to see so many interested spectators along our route. Perhaps next year we will carry a donation box with us so that spectators can also make donations to the cause.