Village News


  • Barry Dyck, Guest Author
  • Retired Executive Director, MHV

For many people who grew up in a Mennonite home, waffles and vanilla sauce were a common treat. In many cases the waffles were a circle of five heart-shaped sections. But it was the white vanilla-sauce topping that made those waffles extra special.

This traditional treat was one of the offerings Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) brought to Summer in the City, Steinbach’s annual Main-Street festival, again this year. During the two days that the festival took place on the street, we sold just over 750 waffles with vanilla sauce. This year we offered strawberries and ice-cream as two additional topping options. The strawberries were particularly popular.

Many volunteers came to help for one or more four-hour shifts. Each shift required at least ten volunteers and two staff. Staff put in many long hours in advance preparation and at the event itself. This is not a small undertaking and could not succeed without the volunteers. We are also thankful to Main Bread and Butter for supplying the natural gas to operate the gas-fired waffle irons.

Those who missed the waffles at Summer in the City should take note that these treats will also be served at the three remaining summer festivals at MHV: Canada Day, Pioneer Days, and Fall on the Farm.