A new Mennonite history book is being produced at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV). A Collected History: Mennonite Heritage Village will go to press early in November and will be available to the public in early December.
The vision for the book began several years ago as part of our dreaming and planning for our 50th anniversary celebrations. We felt that a book published in commemoration of this milestone anniversary would be both a marvelous teaching tool and a popular souvenir.
A Collected History is exactly that – a collection of artifacts, events and buildings that together, tell the “Mennonite story.” It is not a story about MHV but rather uses the artifacts and programs of MHV to tell a much bigger story. But at the same time, it acquaints the reader with our museum.
A book about MHV and its 50 years of growth, or even about its 50th anniversary, could be an interesting work. However, a book that tells the story of Mennonites, going back to the Reformation and the Anabaptist Movement of the sixteenth century will be a timeless instrument articulating a very old and very important narrative.
This will be a good Christmas gift. The photographs are all professionally done. The writing, design, editing and production are all done to a very high professional standard. We will take pride in offering this book to the public.