Village News

Canada Day Festival

  • Barry Dyck, Guest Author
  • Retired Executive Director, MHV
Canada Day Festival

In the six-and-a-half years that I’ve been on staff at Mennonite Heritage Village, we’ve always tended to feel that an attendance of over 2,000 people per day is a good attendance for a festival day. And it is. On occasion we’ve seen up to 2,500 guests on such a day. This year on Canada Day we had over 5,100 guests. Despite the line-ups at the rides and food vendors, which were somewhat reminiscent of Disney World, guests appeared to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the City of Steinbach in providing a venue to celebrate Canada Day.

We were privileged to have a blogger from and her family at MHV for that day. Her blog indicates they had a very good time. We have also recently established our own YouTube channel for MHV. Our channel currently contains video footage from our Canada Day festivities, including the flag-raising ceremony.