
Multiple Challenges

  • Peter Friesen, Author
  • Retired Minister

Titus 3:8-9… 8) This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. 9) But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. (NIV)

Multiple Challenges: Scripture teaches that we are to speak evil of no one. Rather, we should strive to show a gentle spirit when interacting with others. I would do well to remember that I am pretty foolish myself at times. The very thing that I criticize in others is likely one of my own weaknesses. Yes! I might be tempted to call attention to other folk’s faults just to take the eye off my own problems. We should avoid controversies and foolish discussions; they are always useless and futile. So often, an argument only strengthens a person in what they believed before. We should do all we can to correct a person in such a way that they will be given a boost or strengthened then devote our time to positive Christian service.

I think it is right to say that we ought to be ready to help since what is asked of us is good. There have been times during our coffee time chatter in our neighborhood restaurant where some folks complain about boredom. Could it be that boredom might be as a result of being somewhat selfish or full of oneself? Since I live with the idea of, “Why should I do it? Let someone else do it.” I am bound to be bored. The thing that makes life interesting is service.

The follower of Christ is called to be welcoming others. We are not the aggressive type. We are not fighters amongst ourselves. This does not mean that we will sit back and allow others to steam-roll over us. We will stand for the principles, which we believe to be right, but we will never be so opinionated as to believe that no other way than our own is right. We will allow others the same right that we claim, so that they, too, can express their Christian convictions based on the Inspired Word of God in a wholesome atmosphere

There are times when I remind myself to keep my displeasure under control. I am old enough to know when to be angry and when not to be angry. Sometimes we must patiently bear wrongs done to us, but must always be ready to spring up and help those who are being trampled on. Qualities like these are only possible for those in whose heart the Holy Spirit is in control.

Life experiences teach many lessons. Some are good; some are not so good. Some, in fact, have been caused by none other than me. How I work with the circumstances that I am directly responsible for mirrors my Christian walk and talk. I have found it tough to undo that which I have created.

It is tough to apologize, to restart a relationship. It usually means I have to wrestle with a selfish attitude and take advice. When I do that, I must admit I was wrong and that I will attempt not to mess up and will even work to be charitable and to profit from my mistakes. It is great to keep out of a boiling pot so that we can make the best of the little issues in life. When I/we do that, we learn to shoulder a deserved blame. Who knows, we might even begin to recognize there is a silver lining in most of our struggles.

If I push my private opinions against all the teaching and the traditions of Scripture, and I have decided that everybody else is wrong and I am the only person with right ideas, I am setting myself up for failure.

We must always be very careful of any opinions, which separate us from the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and other believers. True faith does not divide the fellowship it unites. Our text tells us that these things that we were told are all true; insist on them so Christians will be careful to do good deeds all the time, for this is not only right, but will bring good results… To God Be the Glory Great Things He has done!

Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that fulfills my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name. Amen”