Anxiety – it’s a funny thing anxiety. For myself, up until a few years ago, I would have never thought of myself as an anxious person. But the fact is I can be, the fact is, every one of us can experience anxiety.
It was just two days after the horrible accident of January 23rd, the one that left the Dik children orphans that Beth Anne came to my office.
Last weekend many in Canada celebrated Easter, the Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The “Health Care System”, we sometimes speak of it as if it was a living entity, and I suppose in some respects it is, for it is made up of literally thousands of people who work to provide health care in our Province.
Tom Blanchard is a fellow I went to Seminary with back in the early 1970’s, I went into pastoral ministry and he went into missions.
Many people think that ethical considerations are rather exotic, that they involve extraordinary situations that rarely arise – NOT SO! What is ethics anyway?
Recently I addressed a group of folks at Fernwood Place in Steinbach. I was having a particularly disoriented day and I was late, they were forgiving, we shared a good time together. Thank you!
A few months ago, my wife, a therapist, asked that I help her out by manning her reception desk as her receptionist was off with the flu.
Sermon illustrations often stick in our minds long after the sermon has been forgotten.
Another year is gone. That’s right, you and I have spent the last 365 days writing “2009” on letters and checks and all sorts of other documents.