Alex sat exhausted, weary from far too many nights of interrupted and unsatisfying sleep, feeling as if he may not be able to make it through the day.
Not long ago I sat in my office with a gentleman I had gotten to know as a result of his wife’s long battle with cancer.
One week from today the much anticipate day will arrive. Christmas 2008 will come and it will go.
It would be his last Christmas on earth, he knew it, the family knew it, yet he had made it clear to them that he wanted this Christmas to be just like every Christmas.
Well, officially it is still fall, but as we all know, in Manitoba our seasons often don’t march to the precise drumbeat of the calendar.
On November 7, 2007, Samuel Golubchuk was admitted to the ICU at the Grace Hospital in Winnipeg; where his life is being sustained by a ventilator and tube feeding.
As Thanksgiving rolls around again this year, I have been pondering a certain matter that I am quite thankful for this year.
It seems in the last decade there has been considerable discussion by outgoing political leaders both here in Canada and in the United States about concern over their legacy, how they would be remembered after they leave office.
“Did I hear him right?” I wondered. I quickly grabbed a pen and paper and wrote the words down, “It is better to faith it than fake it.”
Books are marvelous things. They can transport us to places we have never been, place us into situations we have never experienced and depending on the skills of the author, stir emotions from so deep within that we may wonder what is happening to us.