The Spirea is a humble plant, it is often overlooked and under thought. Did you know that there are literally hundreds of native Spirea species?
It’s quite common to have customer’s desire trees that don’t produce fruit or seeds. It’s the low maintenance thing. No cleanup of fruit and no cleanup of seedlings.
Hydrangeas may be the most sought after and coveted plants we grow here on the prairies. With their long blooming season beginning in July and lasting until frost, it makes them highly desirable in landscapes.
Let’s talk peppers, because I feel like there is so much information about them that is simply never shared.
The Rose has to be the most iconic garden shrub of all. There is something classic, traditional even about a rose garden.
I realize that many people do not fertilize their trees and shrubs much if at all after they are planted, after all plants will survive in our soil.
There are some trees and shrub that are simply underrated and I think one that is the most overlooked is the False Spirea.
So it turns out that there is this very famous pharaoh named Tutankhamen also nicknamed King Tut. When I started this blog I kept ignorantly searching King Tut thinking I would get the grass.
I’ve been walking through the greenhouse looking over our plants and wondering what I could possibly write about.
I was surprised when I first heard Sheldon recommend lilacs as a wind blocking hedge, lilacs?! The flowers seem so pretty and dainty, how could they be a good shield from the aggressive Manitoba winds? I had a lot to learn.