It is now just over two years since my good friend and mentor, Roy Penner, passed away.
Samuel was on the right track when he zeroed in on the family of Jessie to find a future king to replace Saul.
For a long time now, I have been perplexed by what is meant in Christian circles when we speak about the nature of the “good news” we have to share with the world.
I had heard about “the trap” from my adult children, so I can’t say that I was not warned.
How prone we are to forget. And, of course, the more we forget the greater is our loss.
Somewhere along the way, especially in the 20th century, most of us in the western world have all but forgotten the language of the soul.
I was 22 years old in 1968 when Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4th at the age of thirty nine.
I have been a member of the Steinbach Credit Union since 1983 and have been well-served over all these years.
It is time to bring this series on Rediscovering the Bible to a close. No doubt I will write more essays in the future on various biblical topics.
Recently I heard of a version of the Bible in which all 31,103 verses had been printed in random order.