In a four-part interview series conducted by CBC entitled, The Corruption of Christianity, Ivan Illich makes the impassioned assertion that the institutionalization of Christianity has debased it in profound ways.
Charles Dickens begins The Tale of Two Cities by stating that “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” I think this is an apt description of what is happening in our world today.
As I listened recently to a good sermon Terry Hiebert was delivering, the short sentence quoted above grabbed my attention.
A few weeks ago I had an epiphany of sorts as I was preparing Christmas cards to be given to our church friends.
On January 3, 2013, it will be exactly fifty years since I had a dramatic conversion experience in which I committed myself to follow Jesus in The Way. I was sixteen; now I am sixty-six.
In this posting I will reflect on my experience of going through a medical procedure to correct a heart arrhythmia problem.
The person being interviewed about “documentia” on CBC recently suggested that our urge to document every aspect of our lives has been made much easier with digital technology.
Our contemporary society idolizes youth. For most of our lives we want to stay young, feel young and look young.
In my early youth I was introduced to a simple Jesus. The world had rejected the creator God which meant that everyone was on the way to hell. Jesus came to this world to appease God’s wrath by dying on the cross.
It seems that the more important persons are the less they have to wait. Can you imagine a doctor sitting in an office waiting for you to show up?