I have known for a long time that I cannot solve all of the world’s problems. Whenever I have tried I have ended up being discouraged, overwhelmed and cynical.
The fall equinox has passed for 2012 and Thanksgiving is upon us in two-week’s time. It is no secret that this is one of my favorite seasons of the year.
I am having a lot of fun with stones this summer in the process of building a fieldstone fireplace into the picnic shelter at my hobby farm.
It is now more than five months since I lost a very close friend to cancer. Though Roy was 75 and I was 65, our hearts were exactly the same age.
When I recently cycled past a church I noticed the sign out front was announcing a Volunteer Appreciation Weekend coming up in a few days.
At first flush it would appear that being a winner is much more preferable to being a loser. In fact this is the message we are bombarded with on a daily basis.
In this final essay in dialogue with Brian McLaren about his book, A New Kind of Christianity, I will be sharing what this dialogical journey has meant to me.
In his book, A New Kind of Christianity, McLaren has been proposing exactly that – a new kind of Christianity.
In Part Nine of A New Kind of Christianity, McLaren tackles the difficult and sensitive topic of how Christians should relate to people of other religions.
In Part Eight of A New Kind of Christianity, Brian McLaren speaks to the future question.