A few weeks ago I turned 65. That in itself is not significant news. People turn 65 every day of every year.
A few days after Black Friday this year, I overheard a conversation. One woman was describing to another the tremendous experience she and her friends had had on a shopping trip to the United States to take in Black Friday.
In a previous article I attempted to connect the dots between the various political seasons that came with the year 2011.
Spring gives way to summer. Summer gives way to fall. Winter winds up the seasons and allows the cycle to start over again. It is impossible to think of one season without reference to all of them.
My goal in writing the last nine articles was to focus my understandings about the nature of the Good News proclaimed in the biblical text.
I am well aware that the major shift I have been calling for with respect to the notion of hell as a central Christian tenet is a difficult one for most believers to make.
One of the first reactions people generally have when they hear about a gospel devoid of eternal damnation is that then there is no reason left to do mission in the world.
We turn our attention now to inquire about the fate of those who have not received Jesus as Savior nor walked in his ways.
Once we catch a vision that the purpose of God is nothing short of cosmic redemption, we begin to see it everywhere in the biblical text.
Like the Apostle Paul, we do well to acknowledge that when it comes to eternal matters we face various degrees of mystery.