Have you heard of the term “locavore”? This term was coined to describe people who have become strong advocates for consuming and supporting local farms.
Inflammation in the gut, also known as Leaky gut syndrome, is the main cause of food sensitivities. Inflammation causes food particles to leak into the bloodstream causing a reaction in the immune system.
There’s something about the color green that just screams “healthy option!” This color has often been associated with natural, wholesome, organic choices, and with good reason.
School – time again to think of natural support for the hard working brains of our young ones, and for the challenges to their immune systems during their years of growing mental and physical activity.
We have all been told at least once about the importance of breakfast and how it should be an integral part of our morning.
It would be rare to come across a parent who did not want the best for their child. Most people would go above and beyond to give their kids everything they need in order to enable them reach their full potential.
For many of us, working out is not our favorite past time and we find it difficult to motivate ourselves to get out our running shoes and break a sweat.
Traditional breakfast lovers rejoice! It turns out that dietary cholesterol is NOT the cause of plaque build-up and related heart disease.
This is the time of year when most of us increase our activity levels by playing sports or starting a new exercise regime! It is important when being physically active to have your body at optimal health.
Honey has been used since ancient times as a sweetener as well as to treat multiple medical conditions.