Silver is cherished for many things – notably for shiny jewelry, coins and tableware such as cutlery and tea services.
One of the things Canadians love about summer is the long hours of sunlight to indulge in hiking, water sports and picnics, not to speak of tanning.
Stress exists everywhere. We all have some degree of it, however, some manage it more efficiently than others.
Stress and fatigue is something I see many of my patients experiencing. It can be mild to extremely severe.
North Americans spend millions of dollars a year on cosmetics and grooming aids in an attempt to enhance their beauty.
The vitamin B complex refers to a group of water-soluble vitamins that in general play an essential role in the metabolic processes of living cells involved in the oxidation of foods and production of energy.
In the never-ending search for ways to combat overweight and obesity, one substance receiving attention recently is CLA or conjugated linoleic acid.
Inflammatory bowel disease causes extensive inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract causing multiple symptoms, most commonly chronic diarrhea.
In this age of refined and often bland foods, anything tasting bitter is avoided by many North Americans. In fact, the shelves of supermarkets are lined with products that have had any bitter flavour replaced by sweet or salty.
Serrapeptase, an enzyme found in intestines of silk worms is up for question: can it relieve pain and enhance cardiovascular health or is it another “natural” remedy for problems that, in reality, need pharmaceuticals for health and healing?