Protein is a key nutrient that is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the “building blocks” for the body; including the immune cells, enzymes, hormones, brain cells, as well as muscles and tissue.
According to Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Canada’s leading women’s natural health expert, twenty-three percent of the population is currently taking medication for low thyroid function.
Irritated or aging skin? Thinning or dry hair? Brittle or unhealthy nails? While using topical products is a valid method of treatment, it also helps to consider that more often than not, external symptoms are a manifestation of some internal dysfunction or imbalance.
It is said that in 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used apple cider vinegar as a cleansing and healing agent. It turns out that it is not only valuable for our internal health but also used as an external natural beauty aid.
Collagen is the single most abundant and key structural protein in the human body, making up 1/4 of total protein.
Stress happens to everyone in varying degrees and is caused by everyday living and stressors. It can result in dozens of symptoms. The ability to manage stress will vary depending on the individual.
The word “arthritis” literally means inflammation of the joints. Joints in the body occur where bones meet. Bone ends are covered by cartilage and are encased in a fluid-filled synovial membrane used to lubricate the joint.
Serratia peptidase, also known as serrapeptase, is a natural enzyme produced from bacteria that is originally found in the intestines of the silkworm.
Ah Spring, the season of changing weather and seemingly unavoidable congestion that comes along with it.
Vitamin C, also known as “ascorbic acid”, is an essential water soluble vitamin that humans cannot produce on their own.