We look at our Lord’s life and crucifixion here on earth and listen to his words and we say, “Here is someone who understands what is happening to us.”
I love being a senior. I enjoy the never ending conversation with people who have lived a long time.
The apostle Peter calls us “newborn babies.” We know infants have but their mother and father to take care of them.
Time and again I question why parents sometimes feel the pain and hurt of their children; even before the children tell them of pain that they experience.
Christmas reminds us of the fact that Jesus came to this Earth at just the right time.
As a young sailor in the Canadian Navy in 1956, I read the ships order for the following day.
What makes a person humble? Have you ever felt humbled when you discovered that you had the privilege of, let’s say, “Teaching some very profound truth.”
Let’s start this month’s discussion with Scripture to excite our soul and inspire our imagination. Something that will give us hope beyond the grave.
During the time of Christ it was the custom for mothers to bring their children to some important preacher very early in the life of the child so that they would receive the blessing of the pastor.
Just going for a walk along Main Street in the city of Steinbach is to a certain extent a great experience.