Feeling guilty, who me? Why should I feel guilty? What have I ever done that should cause me to go on a guilt trip?
Psalm 23:5 . . . You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows . . . Summer time, and here come the flies, the bugs and so many other creepy things.
In the third chapter of the gospel of John we have a story about a man named Nicodemus; who I believe was a secret disciple of Jesus Christ.
Just going for a walk along Main Street in the city of Steinbach is somewhat of an experience.
How important is prayer in our lives? Is it fair to say that as a Christian we should rate prayer as one of the most important priorities in the life of every believer as well as all people in our country?
Seniors have a great time sipping coffee and reminiscing: We did this, we did that, and on and on we go, day after day.
You and I can’t forget the Easter season. We can’t forget how Jesus challenged His people when He approached Jerusalem.