Have you ever noticed how earthly minded we are? Most of the time, my attention is centred on things right around me. Perhaps that should not be a surprise. After all, we are earth dwellers.
What makes a person humble? Have you ever felt humbled when you discovered that you had the privilege of, let us say, “teaching some very profound truth?”
Jesus certainly was not like some of our modern-day TV Evangelists. No one can ever say that they have been fooled into believing Christ.
Should I be bold enough, and claim to be a Christian, well, then I ought to be a good Christian! My Bible even says that I am not to slander anybody.
Ever have the desire deep down in your heart to go to church, and you wonder why? Well, personally, it makes me feel kind of good inside – and besides, it puts a song into my heart. It makes us want to be thankful.
Do away with falsehood is what the Bible teaches – does that mean lying? Oh yes, there are many ways of lying – turn on the TV we soon hear folks shred the truth. Sometimes deliberate – premeditated – thought-out lies.
Doubt comes to us when we reach the limits of our understanding. When we encounter unexpected hardship. There have been times when we prayed for something noteworthy but somehow the opposite became apparent.
When Jesus walked on the face of this earth, he spoke to people desperately trying to find rest for their souls, and desperately trying to find God and desperately trying to be good, but they were finding the task impossible and were misguided by the same things that leads us a stray.
Every Christmas you and I must come to terms with the birth and nature of Jesus Christ. Christians make some incredible, wonderful, and miraculous claims about the birth of Jesus… and we should because in our text today we are told that when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son.
Not until one feels convicted does one feel a need for forgiveness. The strange part of this thought is that many people do feel quite innocent.